Just when you find the right cosmetic, it gets discontinued
that when your friend says “let's play ball,” you don't ask what kind
how the first snowfall is so pretty but the second is just a nuisance
jeans the same size fit differently
when one home appliance breaks, there's bound to be two more
people are starving yet this nation throws away tons of food every year
someone says “what?” but you know they heard you
you follow her recipe but mom's always tastes better
salespeople are all smiles when you are buying but try taking it back
whole races of people are hated by another but we are all God's children
six of the exact same item in six different stores have six different prices
one day you can't remember an often used name but the next day you can
how all chocolate chip cookies don't taste the same
that we can not agree on things like guns and climate control even when we all know they are dangerous
a lot of very smart people never go to school
that any crazy person can buy a gun by just checking the box marked sane
there are 8 or 9 different kinds of canned corn
televisions don't seem to give good reception during the program you want to see most
we blame our pillow for a bad night's sleep
a hamburger is a hamburger, but we all have a favorite hamburger joint
you can raise 7 children with one bathroom yet all new home buyers insist on a bathroom for each bedroom
how slow time moves for the young and how fast it flies by for the old
it takes us a whole week to recover from the time change
something seems like a good idea at the time
that some of us make our bed every day
how we love Fido and Trixie but not our neighbors
we cry at a sad tv program but not over the homeless guy on the corner
you can still mail a letter for less than 60 cents and still expect it to get to the other side of the country in a day or 2............or not
different cuts of meat cost anywhere from $2.89 a pound to $35.00 a pound and it's all cow
we say someone looks like they should be a “David.” What's that all about?
They stop playing one of our old, favorite songs because they claim the lyrics are racist, sexist or whatever
we send the youngest and least experienced off to fight our wars
we have 47 shades of red nail polish. It's all red.
A monkey can make art, but I cant draw a straight line
we can go to the moon but still struggle with 26 kinds of the common cold
we can't wait for fall, or spring, or summer, or winter
a certain song can unite over a million people
a certain football game can unite over a million people
no one sees the same color red
when someone says orange.....it could be a fruit or a color
tvs are smarter than people
we ask grandchildren for help
many animal species eat their young
some animal species take turns raising their young
how Kevin has to go to the bathroom when we first start to do dishes
how my kitchen is smallest room in house but everyone wants to be in there at same time
we can send a message to the other side of the globe without wires but my phone only works 33 percent of the time
our tv control is larger than our phone
father did know best
we still haven't figured out when it's nature and when it's nurture
you get the idea............isn't it strange???